2018 - Kyle in Prague
2018 - Prague
To "Be The Change For Kyle"
Make a difference
in someone’s life
Pay it forward (watch the movie)
Be kind • Encourage someone • Inspire others to do good
Stand up against racism
2018 - Prague
To "Be The Change For Kyle"
Make a difference in someone’s life • Pay it forward (watch the movie)
Be kind •
Encourage someone •
Inspire others to do good
Stand-up against racism
Make a difference in someone’s life
Pay it forward (watch the movie)
Inspire others to do good
Encourage someone
Be kind
Stand up against racism
When Kyle was a little boy he would ask his father, Konrad to tell him stories. Often the story’s came with life lessons in them and eventually Konrad published a book with Kyle and his brother Alexander as the main characters called
The Adventures of the Krusaders and The Legend of Wilde Island. This story below is an example of a story Kyle seemed to take to heart. Kyle really wanted to make a difference in people lives.
Kyle Kocsis
Elementary School
When Kyle was a little boy he would ask his father, Konrad to tell him stories. Often the story’s came with life lessons in them and eventually Konrad published a book with Kyle and his brother Alexander as the main characters called
The Adventures of the Krusaders and The Legend of Wilde Island. This story below is an example of a story Kyle seemed to take to heart. Kyle really wanted to make a difference in people lives.
Kyle Kocsis
Elementary School
There was a young man walking down a beach at dawn. He saw a frail old man picking up stranded starfish and throwing them back into the sea. The young man gazed in wonder as the old man threw the small starfish from the sand to the water.
He asked “Old man, why do you spend so much energy doing what seems to be a waste of time?”
The old man explained that the Starfish would die if left in the sun.
“But there must be thousands of beaches, and millions of starfish!” exclaimed the young man. “How can you make any difference?”
The old man looked for a minute at the Starfish in his hand. Then, as he threw it back to the safety of the sea, he said, “I made a difference to that one!”
There was a young man walking down a beach at dawn. He saw a frail old man picking up stranded starfish and throwing them back into the sea. The young man gazed in wonder as the old man threw the small starfish from the sand to the water.
He asked “Old man, why do you spend so much energy doing what seems to be a waste of time?”
The old man explained that the Starfish would die if left in the sun.
“But there must be thousands of beaches, and millions of starfish!” exclaimed the young man. “How can you make any difference?”
The old man looked for a minute at the Starfish in his hand. Then, as he threw it back to the safety of the sea, he said, “I made a difference to that one!”
To "Be The Change For Kyle"
Buy someone a meal
Share ideas
Believe in someone • Love unconditionally
Offer a coat or blanket to someone in need
Call an old friend you haven’t spoken to in a while
To "Be The Change For Kyle"
Call an old friend you haven’t spoken to in a while
Buy someone a meal
Share ideas •
Believe in someone
• Love unconditionally
• Offer a coat or blanket to someone in need
Call an old friend you haven’t
spoken to in a while
Buy someone a meal
Believe in someone
Love unconditionally
Share ideas
Offer a coat or blanket to
someone in need
Kyle's friend Scott & his
flying pig tattoo.
Kyle’s friend, Susan is co-owner of Ink Drop Tattoo Shop in Bellingham WA. In 2016, when Ink Drop was just opening its doors, Kyle and Susan designed the flying pig tattoo, that he eventually wanted to have her draw on his chest. He specifically asked for the pig to be smiling. Susan says that Kyle’s intention was that if someone told him that something couldn’t be done he could just point to his chest—and say Yes it Can!
Well, Kyle never actually got the flying pig tattoo on his chest. In 2018 he moved to California.
Now, Susan is working with
Kyle’s parents (Konrad & Cynthia)
to make the flying pig into a “logo” with his birthdate, angel date, and “ Be the Change For Kyle
” logo which they came up with. Kyle wanted to be the change. He wanted to make a difference. He envisioned living in CA for a few more years, and then moving back to Washington and planned to be a foster dad. Konrad and Cynthia have set up a memorial fund in Kyle’s name
at Skookum Kids, which is a local non-profit agency whose mission is to help improve the foster care system. Susan is in the process of designing Flying Pig Gear and it will be for sale on Ink Drop’s Etsy page.
100% of the proceeds will be donated to
Kyle’s memorial fund at Skookum Kids.
Scott and Susan
Kyle’s friend, Susan is co-owner of Ink Drop Tattoo Shop in Bellingham WA. In 2016, when Ink Drop was just opening its doors, Kyle and Susan designed the flying pig tattoo, that he eventually wanted to have her draw on his chest. He specifically asked for the pig to be smiling. Susan says that Kyle’s intention was that if someone told him that something couldn’t be done he could just point to his chest—and say Yes it Can!
Well, Kyle never actually got the flying pig tattoo on his chest. In 2018 he moved to California.
Now, Susan is working with
Kyle’s parents (Konrad & Cynthia)
to make the flying pig into a “logo” with his birthdate, angel date, and “Be the Change For Kyle” logo which they came up with. Kyle wanted to be the change. He wanted to make a difference. He envisioned living in CA for a few more years, and then moving back to Washington and planned to be a foster dad. Konrad and Cynthia have set up a memorial fund in Kyle’s name at Skookum Kids, which is a local non-profit agency whose mission is to help improve the foster care system. Susan is in the process of designing Flying Pig Gear and it will be for sale on Ink Drop’s Etsy page. 100% of the proceeds will be donated to
Kyle’s memorial fund at Skookum Kids.
Kyle’s friend, Susan is co-owner of Ink Drop Tattoo Shop in Bellingham WA. In 2016, when Ink Drop was just opening its doors, Kyle and Susan designed the flying pig tattoo, that he eventually wanted to have her draw on his chest. He specifically asked for the pig to be smiling. Susan says that Kyle’s intention was that if someone told him that something couldn’t be done he could just point to his chest—and say Yes it Can!
Well, Kyle never actually got the flying pig tattoo on his chest. In 2018 he moved to California.
Now, Susan is working with Kyle’s parents (Konrad & Cynthia) to make the flying pig into a “logo” with his birthdate, angel date, and “Be the Change For Kyle” logo which they came up with. Kyle wanted to be the change. He wanted to make a difference. He envisioned living in CA for a few more years, and then moving back to Washington and planned to be a foster dad. Konrad and Cynthia have set up a memorial fund in Kyle’s name at Skookum Kids, which is a local non-profit agency whose mission is to help improve the foster care system. Susan is in the process of designing Flying Pig Gear and it will be for sale on Ink Drop’s Etsy page. 100% of the proceeds will be donated to Kyle’s memorial fund at Skookum Kids.
100% of the proceeds will be donated to Kyle's Memorial Fund at Skookum Kids
To "Be The Change For Kyle"
Write poetry, music or a rap • Clean up your community
Make someone smile or laugh • Be supportive
Rescue a pet – Kyle loved cats • Donate to a charity
To "Be The Change For Kyle"
Write poetry, music or a rap • Clean up your community
• Make someone smile or laugh
Be supportive • Rescue a pet – Kyle loved cats • Donate to a charity
Write poetry, music or a rap
Clean up your community
Make someone smile or laugh
Rescue a pet – Kyle loved cats
Donate to a charity
Be supportive
To "Be The Change For Kyle"
Send someone a “thinking of you” card • Listen to someone, who just needs to be heard • Engage in meaningful conversation • Stand up for what you believe in
“Do a Good turn daily” = Boy Scout slogan
Kyle was a Boy Scout for 10 years
Teach someone a skill you have • Be kind to animals
To "Be The Change For Kyle"
Send someone a “thinking of you” card • Listen to someone, who just needs to be heard Engage in meaningful conversation • Stand up for what you believe in
“Do a Good turn daily” = Boy Scout slogan – Kyle was a Boy Scout for 10 years
Teach someone a skill you have • Be kind to animals
“Do a Good turn daily” = Boy Scout slogan Kyle was a Boy Scout for
10 years Teach someone a skill
you have Be kind to animals
Send someone a “thinking of you” card Listen to someone, who
just needs to be heard Engage
in meaningful conversation
Stand up for what you
believe in
Don't hold onto anger, hurt or pain. They steal your energy and keep you from love.
- Leo Buscaglia