Dear Kyle,
I just can’t believe you are just gone forever just like that, so fast.
Here one day and gone the next.
No more huge tight Kyle hugs? Or your thoughtful gifts, and no more deep meaningful conversations?
Just gone doesn't seem possible.
How can time keep moving forward if you are not here?
Instead of Holidays and Family Gatherings we are left with Angel Days (death anniversaries) and Birthdays that will never happen again for you, and we are left with questions. ???
Where are you now?
Are you ok? Better? HAPPY?
Did we love you enough?
Did you feel our love?
What could we have done differently?
What could I have said or done?
Maybe something I should have not done or said?
Question, Question, Question
So now I’m left wondering. I look for you here and sometimes I can catch a glimpse of someone who reminds me so much of you that I just…stop. I see you in young men who are traveling from place to place and look like they haven't been home for a while.
I see you in the kind gestures of others.
In my mind I see you when I am awake and sometimes when I am lucky in my dreams--We will all be sitting around a table eating, talking or playing games, we are all camping. You are there in the dream with us, just like you never left. I try to hold onto the happiness it gives me, to believe you never left us, into my waking day; but your absence is too profound for that.
Since you did leave, I am trying hard every single day in life to Be The Change. I am trying for you, and also for myself. It really helps me feel better to see some good in the world because we've been in short supply this last year for sure.
You were so much to so many.
You are missed always.
Love you Forever Kyle,
Auntie Christina Betty
April 2021
We invite you to send us your thoughts, stories, photos or a "letter to Kyle" and we will publish to this blog. Just send us an email with your content and/or questions.
Don't hold onto anger, hurt or pain. They steal your energy and keep you from love.
- Leo Buscaglia